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You Don’t Have an Organization Until

You Don’t Have an Organization Until….

“It takes one man to dream and start something, but it takes several men to turn the dream into reality. Sell your dream.” – TAB (UNLOCK Book)

One of the most important jobs of a leader is to articulate the organization’s vision, mission, and values to his/her team. Many CEOs focus their energies on selling their products and services to their customers and forget the internal customer/stakeholder, the co-value creator, the Team.

You don’t have an organization until your team buys into your vision and direction. Over the last two years, I have spent more time in the US, trying to understand and develop our business iCentra in North America. Back home in Nigeria, the team has continued to serve our numerous clients and stakeholders, delivering projects and closing new deals. This is usually not the case in many businesses, especially in Africa.

Some fellow entrepreneurs have asked me how I managed to achieve this, and the answer is simple, people and systems. I spend more time seeking out “Good” people, selling the vision to them, and once I get their buy-in, together as a team we continuously build systems and structures that make it possible for them to deliver value to clients whether I am in or out of the country.

As human beings, we are wired to transact. We all sell something every day, consciously or unconsciously. A job seeker sells himself to the hiring organization, while a businessman sells his products or services to potential customers. Employees and teams sell their idea proposals to management, and organizations market their vision to their employees. Likewise, men sell their life’s vision to their prospective spouses. It’s a merry-go-round. One way or another, we are all selling something.

The idea of selling is to get a person or group of people to take a necessary action that is favourable to you in exchange for your value. So, to get your dreams off the ground and running to actualization, you must identify relevant stakeholders and effectively sell your idea to them. Once they buy into it and commit, you have a Dream Team. Start running.

You may go faster alone, but you go farther with a dedicated team!

Be Terrific!


hashtag#BusinessMonday hashtag#iCentra hashtag#LeadPreneur hashtag#UNLOCK

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