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Are you feeling stuck in your career, business or life in general? Listen

Are you feeling stuck in your career, business or life in general? Listen…

“Nothing is wrong with you, you are only at the RED traffic light of life”

There are times in our lives when we feel stuck and when nothing seems to be working. At such points, we feel dejected, rejected, or even neglected.

We quickly forget everything that has worked before. We forget our successes and focus on temporary failures or setbacks. Even worse, we consider the success of others and use them as standards to measure our own lives.

Often, we forget or are ignorant of the fact that different stages of our lives are like a traffic light. Some people get there at RED and are forced to wait till AMBER and GREEN before forging forward. Others get there at GREEN and don’t have to wait at all. Timing is different for everyone.

The “red traffic light” of life is only a temporary stop that requires you to halt for a moment, to prevent you from crashing at top-speed. So, the next time you get stuck, just remember that you are only at a traffic light. Take the time to REFLECT, RESTRATEGIZE and RELAUNCH. It is all in your mind!


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