Just One Advice: Pursue Excellence!

Just One Advice: Pursue Excellence! “Struggle not for positions, but strive for excellence; because in the end excellence will position you.” – hashtag#PheekWords I was recently asked in an interview what my advice would be to young professionals, and I would like to share my response with you: “In all you do, pursue excellence; there will always be a place for you.” Strive for excellence in all aspects of your life, including how you dress, speak, present yourself, complete tasks, and offer solutions. People, whether consciously or unconsciously, are always observing and assessing you, preparing for the moment opportunities arise. Your commitment to excellence will determine whether you are invited into new opportunities or passed over. Excellence is the consistent demonstration of high-quality traits and attributes. It embodies a culture of performing above average, especially through sustained effort. It’s an attractive force—it makes you both likable and respectable. People are naturally drawn to excellence, wherever and whenever it appears. We all gravitate toward those who demonstrate it. Mediocre individuals focus on titles or positions to feel important, but they often squander opportunities due to a lack of preparation. In contrast, excellent individuals are always ready to seize and maximize opportunities effectively. While positions and appointments may be given or withdrawn, true excellence is always recognized and respected by all, including your adversaries. Therefore, in everything you do, seek excellence, and it will open doors to numerous opportunities and positions. Love to all the humans at iCentra, who make Excellence look simple. Do have an Excellence-filled week! TAB hashtag#Excellence hashtag#UNLOCK hashtag#POTY hashtag#iCentra hashtag#Project1500

Your past is manifesting today and today is determining your tomorrow

Your past is manifesting today, and today is determining your tomorrow. “Somewhere in your past lies the reason for your present, and your actions or inactions today will determine your tomorrow.” hashtag#PheekWords We are the architects of our tomorrow. How we live today prophesies what will manifest in our tomorrow. What you do or don’t do today is orchestrating the realities of your tomorrow. So, check how you live every day. Input determines Output. Make the right decision today! TAB@taopheek UNLOCK Book is available worldwide on Amazon, Rovingheights BookPlaze and at TAOPHEEK.com hashtag#UNLOCK hashtag#WinningLife hashtag#Decision hashtag#Transformation

Why many people are still poor, it is all about the mindset

Why Many People Are Still Poor, It’s All About The Mindset. “The way you think will ultimately determine how poor or rich you become. Enrich your mind.” In truth, you are as rich as your mind says you are, or as poor as your mind is. It’s a function of your bank account. You are who you think you are in your mind. TAB hashtag#unlock hashtag#pheekwords hashtag#winninglife hashtag#mindset

Take Control of Your Life and Career Through Your Decisions.

Take Control of Your Life and Career Through Your Decisions. “You are not a victim of destiny but of your decisions. Live deliberately.” Man is a creation of his decisions through time. You are a product of the choices you made in the past; they worked together to bring you to where you are now. Likewise, the decisions you are making today will create your tomorrow. Destiny, on the other hand, constitutes predetermined factors beyond your control. Factors such as where and when you were born, your family, your race, etc. are not what you decide for yourself. So, if you don’t like where you are now and desire to be in a better place tomorrow, improve the quality of the decisions you are making today. Be Terrific! TAB hashtag#decision hashtag#unlock hashtag#pheekwords hashtag#winninglife

Wondering why most people around you can’t see the “Big Picture”?

Wondering why most people around you can’t see the ‘Big Picture’? “There is a reason it is called the Big Picture. It is beyond the comprehension of small minds.” Your “Big Picture” is your mental picture of your tomorrow, your vision for your life, and where you want to be. Small minds don’t see or understand vision, can’t comprehend big thoughts. They see problems instead of opportunities, so why waste the effort to share your dreams with them? Be deliberate and selective of the people with which you share your vision. It’s all about the hashtag#mindset. Do you concur? TAB hashtag#BigPicture hashtag#UNLOCK hashtag#PheekWord hashtag#winninglife hashtag#life

How do you manage emotions and decision making?

How do you manage emotions and decision making? “The quality of your decisions is a reflection of your thinking; likewise, the quality of your thinking is a function of your emotional stability. Consciously tame your emotions when making critical decisions.” Emotions are an asset if understood, well managed and rightly appropriated. Otherwise, they could have undesirable effects on our results. When making important decisions about any aspect of your life, check that you are not heavily invested emotionally in the situation at hand. If you are, it is wise to hold off your decision-making until you can contain yourself. Share with your friends and family. hashtag#Decision hashtag#Emotion hashtag#UNLOCK hashtag#WinningLife

Are you worrying about your problems or solve them?

Are you worrying about your problems or solving them? “There are two ways to treat a problem: worry about the problem or think about the possible solutions. The former adds more to the problem while the latter solves it.” Problems are an integral part of life, and a problem can either be met with a solution or with worry. Worry only complicates a situation; it never solves it. So, why waste your time and energy engaging in an activity that will worsen your problem? Solutions-thinking is the hallmark of every legitimately successful person. When you think of how to solve problems rather than worry about them, you task your mind to work for you. It’s all about the mindset! TAB hashtag#Mindset hashtag#PheekWords hashtag#UNLOCK hashtag#WinningLife

It’s Not Your Fault, These 4Es Are Responsible For Your Current Mindset And The Way You See Life.

It’s Not Your Fault, These 4Es Are Responsible For Your Current Mindset And The Way You See Life. “Your mindset is a product of your experience, exposure, education and environment.” Our minds learn from different sources, mostly based on the unique experiences we have in life. The things, people and places we are exposed to, the kind and quality of education we get – academic or personal, and the environment we grew up in, live in or interact with often play a part in how our minds function. Thankfully, a wrong mindset can be changed through quality information. It is called mind reprogramming. Therefore, if you wish to change your life, and your present mindset, then you must be deliberate about changing these four elements. If you find this useful, then share with a friend or colleague. TAB hashtag#WednesdayWisdom hashtag#Mindset hashtag#UNLOCK hashtag#PheekWords hashtag#WinningLife

Are you feeling stuck in your career, business or life in general? Listen

Are you feeling stuck in your career, business or life in general? Listen… “Nothing is wrong with you, you are only at the RED traffic light of life” There are times in our lives when we feel stuck and when nothing seems to be working. At such points, we feel dejected, rejected, or even neglected. We quickly forget everything that has worked before. We forget our successes and focus on temporary failures or setbacks. Even worse, we consider the success of others and use them as standards to measure our own lives. Often, we forget or are ignorant of the fact that different stages of our lives are like a traffic light. Some people get there at RED and are forced to wait till AMBER and GREEN before forging forward. Others get there at GREEN and don’t have to wait at all. Timing is different for everyone. The “red traffic light” of life is only a temporary stop that requires you to halt for a moment, to prevent you from crashing at top-speed. So, the next time you get stuck, just remember that you are only at a traffic light. Take the time to REFLECT, RESTRATEGIZE and RELAUNCH. It is all in your mind! TABtaopheek.com hashtag#PheekWords hashtag#UNLOCK hashtag#Nuggets

“If you fall, do not fail to rise quickly and use the lessons learned as solutions to other problems – yours and for other people.”

“If you fall, do not fail to rise quickly and use the lessons learned as solutions to other problems – yours and for other people.” Those who continuously try new things often fail and learn on-the-go. When you fail at a venture, you learn what works and what doesn’t, especially after you eventually succeed. This equips you with the requisite knowledge to guide other people coming after you. This is why it is important to position ourselves to mentor other people on their journeys, based on our own experiences. Never hoard the lessons from your past experiences with life. Also, as you grow, you will always need to be guided by other people who have gone ahead of you. Seek out such people, connect with them and hold their counsel dear. They will help you to minimize your failures and to reach success faster. Beware of people who haven’t succeeded at anything. They are time wasters, and many times, their counsel holds no weight. Be wise. TAB hashtag#WednesdayWisdom hashtag#Transformation hashtag#UNLOCK