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Look For A Place To Thrive Not Just A Place To Earn

In the course of my professional career and as an entrepreneur, nothing has been as fulfilling as seeing young professionals thrive and shattering their own self-imposed limits through dint of hardwork.

The world is evolving so fast, and most knowledge is quickly becoming obsolete. As such, most products of the traditional educational institutions are not equipped for the marketplace of today. However, what is even more worrisome is seeing young people use that as an excuse for not getting ahead.

Life does not take or listen to excuses. You either have value to deliver or you don’t. And if you don’t, have yourself to blame when countless opportunities come passing by you.

You need quality and relevant skills to thrive in today’s commercial space, whether as an employee or business person. So, grow yourself. Read books, take courses, attend conferences, intern or apprentice – whatever works for you, but by all means, keep growing.

Build relevant skills for your job. Constantly evolve yourself. Make yourself as much relevant as possible to your organization. In turn, they will reward you with proper placement and incentives. It’s always a win-win.

Congratulations Esther Shirley Lolo and Lum Niba Ayinwi Ambe from the Nigerian office on your development and many achievements that won you awards in 2023. And most recently your work anniversaries and confirmation as Managers.

iCentra is indeed lucky to have you.

Have a Terrific Week!


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