Regardless of your business’s age, cash flow is something you’ll want to keep your eye on as a business owner. Money is constantly moving around in a business, and to understand your financial health, you’ll need to know the exact amounts of money that are coming in and going out.
When your business starts experiencing issues with its cash flow, it’s essential to identify exactly where those issues originated so you can address them. To help you do this, 15 members of Forbes Business Council explained which areas business owners should closely examine to uncover the root of cash flow problems.
1. Do A Full Audit To See Where Money Is Going
When a company’s cash flow is tight, you need to see if it’s a revenue decrease or a creep up in expenses. Do a full audit of the general ledger and balance sheet to see what’s coming in and going out. Look to see what’s a need to have versus a must-have and cut out what you need from the organization. If revenue is down, come up with a plan to reinvigorate your business. – Abigail Aboitiz
2. Negotiate Remaining Seats With Software Subscriptions
Start with software subscriptions. Businesses often have opportunities to reduce the number of seats they are buying. Then, negotiate the remaining seats. SaaS companies are willing and able to bargain right now. There are savings to be had with earnest negotiation and a willingness to walk away if the software company won’t play ball. – Lesley Hensell, Riverbend Consulting
3. Create A Weekly Review Process
First, review accounts receivable and follow up on anything outstanding that can be collected quickly—make this process a weekly review. Change the terms of their accounts receivable to be due sooner. Pay accounts payable no earlier than the due date unless there are discounts available and paying early will not affect cash flow negatively. – Cami Powell, The Self-Employed Journey
4. Cut Products And Services That Don’t Produce Results
Businesses often unknowingly bleed excess money through unnecessary expenses for products and services that once served a need but no longer benefit the business. It’s important to perform a monthly review of large and small expenditures and proactively cut those that produce no measurably positive result for the business. – Mike Costigan, Millionaire Agent Academy
5. Pick Up The Phone To Ask For Updates
Don’t be afraid to ask for an update from clients as to when to expect payment. We all get busy. Technology is wonderful, but sometimes it fails. Chances are a late payment is simply an oversight, but if there is a more dire reason, it is far better to have a dialogue to find a resolution. Structure recurring revenue payments due in advance of services where appropriate. – Kelley Powell, MacLaurin Group
6. Find The Balance Between Spending Less And Producing More
When cash flow is already a problem, we’re either spending more than we earn or producing less than we could. We must strike a delicate balance between approving costs as soon as we make money and only when we need them. To avoid unnecessary costs or underoptimized client revenue, we must constantly monitor our revenue vs. value-creation. Of course, the short-term reaction could be a pitfall here. – Majeed Hosseiney, Nostrum Biodiscovery
7. Review Your Subscription-Based Services
We live in a world of subscription-based services. Often, businesses sign up for services (or for a trial) when they are in need. After some time passes, the services don’t get used or are forgotten—meanwhile, the recurring billing keeps billing. It’s hard to track who is using what. Credit card statements have many transactions, and frequently, the descriptions are not obvious, therefore going undetected. – Daniel HD, Qode Social
8. Identify The Resources Providing Great Value
Identify the income sources that require the least amount of resources but yield great returns. Lean into those sources while searching for inconsistencies and debt service opportunities at the same time. – Benjie Nunn, CreditHub
9. Go Back To The Basics
Review your business goals and ensure budgets are allocated to initiatives that strategically drive KPIs. If you’re spending money without a clear purpose, your bottom line will suffer. Use data and analytics as much as possible to decide what’s not moving the needle and rethink your approach. Then, consider funding or other sources of capital to build upon your growth. – Ricardo Pero, SellersFunding
10. Review The Sales Cycle And Include Affordable Products
A close look at the business development and sales cycle, along with including a more affordable product mix, are important steps to fixing cash flow challenges. Businesses with high-ticket sales tend to encounter long sales cycles from proposals to negotiations before payments, which can lead to cash burnout. Low ticket offerings with digitized, quicker sales are antidotes to slow cash flow. – Udo Okonjo , Fine and Country West Africa
11. Pay Attention To Your Receivables And Deliveries
In many businesses, especially in the professional services industries, many professionals are great at producing services, but neglect to follow through on payments in a systematic way. Some may also procrastinate on completing services, which has the same effect. If your business has a good reputation for delivering great service but lacks attention to collections, paying close attention to this area can increase and regularize cash flow. – Afi Ventour, Global Services Inc.
12. Focus On Existing Customers And Double Down On Their Success
Not only does customer retention cost less than acquisition, but every customer is an expansion opportunity. Technology allows customer success teams to lead customers to value faster and drive upsell at scale. These teams improve their experience, build a more customer-centric culture, reduce churn and increase revenue. – You Mon Tsang, ChurnZero
13. Ensure You Have A Positive Work Culture And Positive Employee Morale
Cash flow issues are as constant as the changing of the tides in the business world. For significant and acute issues, I highly recommend diving into your culture and looking at employee morale. Happy and safe employees lead to improved customer experiences, as well as frequently increasing revenue through secondary offerings or customer referrals. – Ben Heffron, PRIZM SOLAR
14. Optimize Outflow And Inflow Of Cash
For any large expenses, spread out the outflow of cash over a longer period. This can be done by taking a loan to make the payment and paying back the loan in eight to 10 equated monthly installments (EMIs). This will save you from putting immediate pressure on your balance sheet. Then, start working on getting upfront payments from your customers. – Gaurav Sharma, SaaS Labs
15. Pre-Bill Invoices And Renegotiate Company Payment Terms
Service businesses should review and renegotiate company payment terms to make sure expenses can be expedited. It is also helpful to pre-bill invoices over a certain amount prior to the execution of the work. This maintains cash flow control and reduces the likelihood of delayed invoice payments. – Tracy Naden, twelvenote
16. Look At The Business Value Stream
To rethink the business model, the business needs to focus on what matters. This may involve embarking on short-term projects or initiatives that can guarantee new income streams. At this point, if the business is clear on the numbers, it can consider a financing option, loan or equity to fund new initiatives. – Taopheek Babayeju, iCentra