Four irresistible rewards of enterprise security – BusinessDay

Enterprise security is no longer a mere convenience for large corporations. The exigencies of our times have placed an urgent demand for it in enterprises at all levels and across diverse industries. The deployment of enterprise security set up is not only needful in response to the prevalent information security threats, but equally rewarding and highly beneficial to the enterprises that jump on board.

As your business grows, which is why you work so hard, if not properly secured, you may fall victim to cyberattacks. But shockingly, small businesses are not exempt from such malicious occurrences. A 2019 research by Verizon confirmed that attackers find that smaller businesses are easy prey because they do not have as much security infrastructure in place. Therefore, the overarching relevance of enterprise security is 3-fold: to protect data, to prevent data breaches, and to build the business’ reputation.

One nightmare businesses seek to avoid at all cost is a bad reputation. Successful businesses understand that reputation is a powerful currency in business, which is why enterprise security is a strong advantage…

In this article we will explore 4 out of a plethora of rewards enterprise security portends:

Quality data protection/data breach prevention

Proper enterprise security measures place an organisation ahead of attackers. Ramping up security structures beyond the traditional information security measures enables an organisation to prepare, pre-empt and prevent data breaches or attacks. As the saying goes, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Many times attackers dedicate months to investigating, researching and planning out how to destabilise an enterprise’s digital assets such as websites, email setup, so enterprise security forestalls such disaster.

Build brand trust and credibility

One nightmare businesses seek to avoid at all cost is a bad reputation. Successful businesses understand that reputation is a powerful currency in business, which is why enterprise security is a strong advantage for businesses, because it saves from the embarrassment a cyberattack could bring. However, the growing threat to businesses, which is certain not to recede in the near future, makes enterprise security critical for businesses. It is critical because a data breach shatters an organisation’s information protection, thus risking the exposure of clients’ sometimes confidential information, which is a sure-fire way to lose even the most loyal of customers. A cardinal reason enterprise security is crucial for businesses is that it enables them to build trust with their customers as they are assured that their information is private and protected.

Boosts profit and business growth

The reason businesses exist is primarily to make profit and impact, thus every resource a business invests in is geared towards realising these. The same is applicable for enterprise security. When a cyberattack occurs, it adversely affects a business’ ability to make profit and stagnates business growth.

Industry compliance

There are many significant benefits of industry compliance to businesses. Besides certifications, it helps organisations avoid fines and penalties from their governing bodies. Many times, attackers are wont to steal sensitive data that customers find precious, so there are laws that govern the protection of these data in industry policies and standards. As such, when these laws are violated, they could cost an organisation a lot in fines.

As we advance further in the digital age, through technology we find newer, faster and smarter ways to run our businesses, but these do not come without challenges as technology also opens the back door to attacks. Nonetheless, there are actions that can be undertaken to withstand them.

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