Build a Team, Not Staff!

An organization is not about the quantity of staff, but the quality of its team.”

Quality, value-oriented people are hard to come by but are worth every effort to find them. Fill your organization or team with quality people and you would have half-met your objective.

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of hiring more staff to undertake tasks instead of hiring just enough quality hands that can excellently get the job done. When you hire right, you save cost on different ends – recurrent overhead, salary, incentives, etc.

However, to attract and keep quality people who will play as teammates, you must offer commensurate value for their time and expertise. It should be a win-win.

Build a thriving work environment, create effective systems and processes, etc. Build a team, not staff members.

At iCentra we are blessed with quality team members who help us daily to achieve success.

Have a Terrific Week!


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