No Short-Cut to Growth!

24 Years in the tranches… No Short-Cut To Growth!

2024 is not just another year for me it marks several milestones in my career;

  • 24 years of professional career,
  • 20 years after my first entrepreneurship experiment (a partnership business) failed
  • 20 years after I sarted out a gadget service center, where I made my first million bucks.
  • 15 years after convening Nigeria’s first ever National Project Management Conference (ProMaCon).
  • 15 years after starting iCentra Consulting Ltd (in Nigeria)
  • 5 years after we incorporated iCentra US/North America (in Dallas Texas) and so many more.

In those 24 years, I have evolved from a youth corp member in Abuja, where I have had to take up barbing at a salon for several months in exchange for meals, just before I was able to eventually secure a primary place of assignment at the old MTEL.

From failing at my first attempt at business and resorted to phone repairs where I made my first million which I used in training myself at the UK Teecoms Academy (picture on the left).

And to going back a paid employment in telecoms where I became a project manager, then evolved to become a Management and Technology Consultant at iCentra, now humbly serving major local and international institutions

Real growth takes time and comes with pain, there is no short cut. So, I will be sharing my experiences, mostly my failures, not necessarily successes because that is relative. I will also be sharing insights about building businesses and brands from absolutely nothing, and how to survive in the jungle of entrepreneurship, especially in Nigeria, Africa.

Stay tuned to my timelines.

Have a Terrific Month of February.


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